Welcometo dbzspriter's blog. You can find game reviews,manga reviews,anime reviews, and sprite mvoie reviews. hope you like the blog!
Hello my fellow bloggers
Hello welcome to my blog. I post anime things,game things and animation things. Here is where you can fit in for the people who like sprite movies and anime. Enjoy! youtube account BTW
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
My wolfteam acount
Hey guys I have a wolfteam acount like since so..... if u want to add me Im dbzawesome. Also I have tips on the game in deathmatch human vs human. OK first of all have good guns it will make it easy to kill up close. AND if you are fighting up close jump a lot to shake off the enemy's aim. YOU always have to look behind u in the game if you do not look back u might get killed. And try not do theartin things. (SPELLED WRONG). Wolfteam is a fun place to play a game online be nice!
Hey guys I'm back. Sorry never posted any new things but now I willl!!!!!!!! So get ready for some more posting =)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Hey guys the new NARUTO Chapter is here!!!!! read it here! http://www.mangafox.com/manga/naruto/v59/c564/1.html
Monday, November 21, 2011
signing of for a week
Hey guys I'm signing of youtube and bloging for a week. I feel a little bored with this now (jk) its just that i need a little rest. later! until next week! JK! JUST KIDDING!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Beat it by Norman San (video by Cinema77.com) - YouTube
Beat it by Norman San (video by Cinema77.com) - YouTube:
'via Blog this' that my favorite song! yea! thats the link
'via Blog this' that my favorite song! yea! thats the link
Saturday, November 19, 2011
episode 3 is up!

Thursday, November 17, 2011
Mw3 review

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
I like dancing
Hey guys you guys never knew this about me but I lobe dancing. I want to be on America's got talent and be in the semi finals. iF I can. I can do michael jackson dances,shuffle,jerk,break dance,and spin on my head. maybe some day ill make videos of me dancing.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
episode 3 preview is up!
Hey if you want to see the preview of episode 3 here it is!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Madara vs Naruto! the fight is finally here!
Hey guys guess what? The fight Naruto vs Madara is here! It must be in the next chapter.Naruto to Madara! Will the fight be true? Will Sasuke come and turn his back on him and work together will Naruto to beat him, then fight NARUTO! Lets see in chapter 564!And it looks like his mask is broken!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Sorry the about episode 3 of the The time zone returns

So there you have it that is why the episode was delayed. Later! (btw not that much posts on my vs reviews, sonic reviews, anime vs review, or dragon ball z reviews, I will have some more posts on them, but for now not that much. And I'm getting a little lazy making sprite movies ( lol ).
Monday, November 7, 2011
Favorite Bleach Charcter
Hey guys just make sure you know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about Bleach. Not the Bleach item. Bleach a anime. So if you Do NOT know what the show is watch it. If you know what its reach this review about my favorite charcter.
My favorite charcter in Bleach is Ichigo. Of course. And you know why
My favorite charcter in Bleach is Ichigo. Of course. And you know why
Favorite Sonic Game
Now about the game. Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails went looking for the chaos emeralds. But all of a sudden 3 mystery riders came and Sonic found out they stole the emerald! Sonic went alfter them but it never turned out good.
Later in the story they went into the compettion to get all 7 emerald. Want to hear more? I will have a nother update about this later.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Naruto shippuden episodes are still out there you know.
Do you still watch Naruto Shippuden episodes? You should. There are still some good filers in there. They are funny too!
All about the sonic the hedgehog show and games.
Hey guys do you think Sonic is awesome?! It is! Sonic has been around since 1995! And there are still more games coming! There are no more episodes though =(. But some awesome new games are coming out! Sonic and dbz are a little the same like sonic went super, that episode came out right after Goku became super. There are also some other evidence but I won't talk About that now.Sonic and Sponegebob also came out in 1995! Well thats it for this review.
Who is the guy behind the mask?
As you see on the top that is Madara's real body. If that is Madara who is the one behind the mask?! Well some people say that the one behind the mask is a fake Madara. Who else from the Echiha clan has a sharigan and rinnegan? We might find find out later in the new new chapter.( Or a few more chapters).
goku vs naruto
Ok everyone thinks Naruto can beat Dbz well they wrong! Goku vs naruto is a really hard fight to know who wins. But goku wins. Naruto can go kyubi and do a rasengan, but goku can use instant transmission and do a kamehahameha on Naruto. Goku wins.
I will start making some vs reviews! support to Dreager1
HEY GUYS! Well ass you see on the title of this story or blog (whatever) it says I'll start doing vs reviews! This means I'll like say who do you think will win sonic or knuckles. This is to Dreager1 for the support of telling me he does this. And I'll DO GAME REVIEWS TO!!!!! later guys
Friday, October 28, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
my new video
Hey that video is my new episode. Its episode 2 of The Time Zone Returns. Hope you like it! Sorry this version has no music. To see the one that has music and more sound effevts go on my youtube channel.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
new naruto chapter
Ok in the new naruto chapter they found out that the one behind the mask can't be Madara! Is that true! Well in that chapter Madara first did is fire jutsu, than he used the mankego sharigan! But Madara has a rinnegan! Then he used the same jutsu that pain used against naruto! What will happen next! Find out on my next blog!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
aura sprite sheet
do you see that aura sprite sheet down there yeah thats not mine i did not make it give credit to the one who made the flare the hedgehog sprite sheet.I REPEAT ITS NOT MINE! I JUST MADE IT BIGGER!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
naruto article
Hey my friendly people like my youtube channel so far? If you do subscribe rate and comment. I want to say about naruto shippiden. On the show as you know sasuke has the "eternal sharigan". Can naruto beat him? I think he can. Its reall predicable that naruto and sasuke are going to fight. If you watch the OVA you see that Madara is there. So it looks like sasuke never foght naruto at the en of the whole WAR! So also I was reading the manga and its good so far. I will talk about Naruto, Dragon Ball Z, and maybe Bleach and my sprite movies. Later hope you like the Naruto review!
hey this is what my new series is about
Mario, Sonic,Luigi and Shadow try to find the chaos emerald just in case of another crisis. But a time zone apeers that can but them anywhere in time! Can they get out before dr.eggman find the emerald? Or will a new foe be made? Find out on part 1 of THE TIME ZONE RETURNS! (it will be out tommorow amd it will be on my youtube channel or on my website).
Saturday, October 8, 2011
hey who will win naruto or goku?
hey so who do you think can win a fight naruto or goku? or do you want me to make a sprite movie? COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wats up!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i've been thinking should i make a series? Or not comment and check out my Youtube channel.
on my youtube page get ready for some more sprite movies if you ask wherei get my sprites just comment
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